Louisiana Spotlight
A quarterly documentary-style series produced by LPB
Louisiana Spotlight: The Plight of Pointe-Au-Chien
LPB explores the challenges facing the people of Pointe-Aux-Chenes and the Pointe-Au-Chien tribe. From climate change to an ongoing battle for federal recognition, this new LPB quarterly series will immerse you in their story and explore solutions.
From fears about the effects of climate change to the fight for federal recognition and cultural preservation, Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB), presents Louisiana Spotlight: The Plight of Pointe-Au-Chien, the debut program in a new quarterly documentary-style series produced by LPB.
Viewers can stream the program here or with the LPB App.
Both the town of Pointe-Aux-Chenes and the Pointe-Au-Chien tribe are facing multiple challenges, and destruction brought by Hurricane Ida is escalating the need for solutions. With a combination of documentary-style journalism and intimate studio discussion, this Louisiana Spotlight will immerse viewers in their story so the impact can be experienced first-hand.
Says LPB’s Ben Johnson, the director and producer: “I hope this story reveals just how unique and beautiful Pointe-Aux-Chenes and its people are. I want it to highlight the rich history of the Pointe-Au-Chien Tribe, and their centuries long fight for equality. I also hope this show acts as a wake-up call to the immediacy of finding solutions to climate change. Pointe-Aux-Chenes is on the frontline of climate change, and if we give up fighting for this small community, the frontline will just come for the next town or city.”
Our Host & Panelists:
LeBlanc, Drake
Co-Founder and Creative Director of Télé-Louisiane.
Kelley, PhD., Laura D.
A tribal historian, author, and professor at Tulane University.
Ferguson-Bohnee, Patty
A member of and lawyer for the Pointe-Au-Chien tribe.
Verdin, Christine
A tribal leader and lifelong resident of Pointe-Aux-Chenes.
Billiot, Alex
A tribe member and local crabber.

Alex Billiot crabs on the waters of the Terrebonne Basin

Alex Billiot on the waters of the Terrebonne Basin